Wednesday, July 9, 2014

One Year Ago Today!!!

Hey's me Carson!  I was thinking today (and it really hurts....because I'm out of school!!!)...but, anyway.... one year ago today I was on Capitol Hill in our nation's capitol with 150 new friends from JDRF Children's Congress '13.  I got to have private meetings with Senator Risch, Senator Crapo, and Representative Labrador.  They were all so nice to me! I can't believe this was the first time I had met any of them and now they are my friends and I have seen them more times!  That day I talked to them about signing on to the Special Diabetes Program bill that gives $150 million a year to Type 1 diabetes research!  I am happy that they all signed!  Vice President Biden also came and spoke to all of us and that was really cool!  Then we all sat in the senate well at the Senate Hearing where some famous people talked about why we need funding for T1D research!  Ray Allen was my favorite!!!  I have some awesome pictures of my time at Children's Congress if you look at the posts from this time last year!!  But, here is a picture someone took of me in the senate well during the senate was VERY LONG!

Here are pics of me having meetings with my Congressmen and all us kids with Vice President Biden!

Do you see me?  This day was one of the best days of my life! #JDRFadvocacy

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